Believe It or Not: You were Born Muslim!

What would you call a religion whose beliefs, practices and followers are being bashed and bad-mouthed in practically every sphere of activity, in almost every corner of the globe, yet it attracts ever-increasing numbers of people? A Paradox? A Miracle ? Or simply, The Truth: Islam. The fact that Islam is the fastest growing religion […]

Why do Muslims Call others to Islam?

If you discovered something so amazing you felt like jumping up and down in excitement, what is the first thing that you would want to do?  If you worked out the answer to a puzzle and knew others were trying to do the same thing, how would you feel, how would you react?  If you […]

Treating Guests the Islamic Way.

You might, in the course of your daily lives, hear Muslims talking about the Islamic way; the Islamic way to dress, the Islamic way to eat, and the Islamic way to wash.  This is because Islam is a holistic way of life.   It is not separated into physical, emotional and spiritual areas; rather Islam teaches […]

The Amazing Quran.

One thing which surprises non-Muslims who are examining the book very closely is that the Quran does not appear to them to be what they expected.  What they assume is that they have an old book which came fourteen centuries ago from the Arabian desert; and they expect that the book should look something like […]