Question: Is it permissible for one to break the fast which was (legally) required to be made up? Likewise with the naafilah fast? Response: It is not permissible for a person who intended to fast a day which was legally required for him to make up (i.e. from Ramadhaan) to then break it (the fast). This is […]
Author: Dr.Naji-Bin-Waqdan
What is the Origin of God?
Where Did God Come From? Both the Bible and the Quran tell us God has always existed and there never was a time He did not exit. As such, He is the Eternal, without beginning and without end. He is the only creator and sustainer of all that exists and nothing and no one exists […]
Is There Evidence God Exists?
Yes. Allah has sent down miracles, revelations and messengers to give clear proofs He exists and more important, what we should do once we come to this realization. Allah has sent prophets and messengers with many proofs throughout the ages for people to be able to clearly see with their own eyes and to be […]
How Can we Prove There is a God?
Note: “Proving” God exists is really not our purpose. We are only interested in providing clear statements based on facts and logic and then allow the individual decide for themselves who they would like to believe. There have always been people who believed in the existence of God and there have always been those who […]
A woman performing i’tikaaf at home.
Question: Is it permissible for a woman to perform i’tikaaf at the place of prayer in her home? Response: No. If a woman wishes to perform i’tikaaf, then she should do so in a masjid, so long as there is no danger in that (such as free-mixing and complacency regarding the hijaab, etc). (However), if there is any danger in […]
Father does not allow him to do i’tikaaf for inconvincing reasons.
Question: What is the ruling of the person whose father did not allow him to do i’tikaaf for unconvincing reasons? Response: I’tikaaf is sunnah (recommended) and righteousness to parents is obligatory, and a recommended act does not override an obligation. It does not contradict the obligation in anyway because the obligation takes precedence over it. […]
Teaching or giving a lecture whilst in the state of i’tikaaf.
Question: Is it correct for one who is in the state of i’tikaaf to teach someone or (even) give a lecture? Response: That which is better is for the one in the state of i’tikaaf to busy himself with specific acts of worship such as dhikr (remembrance of Allaah), prayer, reading the Qur.aan and that which is similar. However, […]
Performing i’tikaaf in adjacent rooms within the masjid.
Question: Is the caretaker’s room or the room in which the Zakaah Committee meet in the masjid acceptable as a place to do i’tikaaf, keeping in mind that the doors to these (two) rooms are within the masjid? Response: The rooms and the doors leading to them which are within the masjid are regarded as (within) the masjid. However, if the rooms […]
When a person in i’tikaaf leaves his i’tikaaf.
Question: When does a person leave i’tikaaf, is it after sunset on the night prior to `Eed or after Fajr on the day of `Eed? Response: The person in i’tikaaf leaves i’tikaaf once Ramadhaan finishes and it finishes as the sun sets the night prior to `Eed. He enters i’tikaaf at sunset (prior) to the 20th day of Ramadhaan. […]
The conditions of i’tikaaf.
Question: What are the conditions of i’tikaaf, and is fasting one of them? Is it permissible for the person in i’tikaaf to visit a sick person, answer an invitation, fulfil some of his family’s needs, or go to work? Response: I’tikaaf is prescribed in a masjid in which the congregational prayer is established. If the […]