causes of apathy and the remedy for that

What is the best solution for apathy in faith after a person used to fear Allaah, then he became apathetic and can no longer read Qur’aan?. Praise be to Allah. There are several causes of apathy and before dealing with the problem we have to pause and find out the cause. There are several ways […]

Islamic manners , USING MOBILE PHONES

Etiquettes of the Mobile Phone Islam has never been opposed to advancement. However, certain advancements are such that together with their benefits come much harm. Whilst mobile technology and the mobile phone in particular has revolutionised the way we live, it is important that we utilise such technology appropriately. Crude Manners It is important to […]


It is your duty to visit your Muslim brethren in time of illness. This will enhance and nourish the bond of Islam and the brotherhood among you. As a committed Muslim, do not undervalue the great reward from Allah. Imam Muslim reported that the Messenger of Allah (PBUH) said: ‘A Muslim visiting ill brethren will continue […]


Observe complete respect and reverence to your father and mother, for they are the most worthy of your consideration. Al-Bukhari and Muslim reported that a man asked the Prophet (PBUH): Oh Messenger of Allah, who is the most worthy of my best conduct?’ He answered: ‘Your mother! Your mother! Your mother! Then your father, then the […]


In Sura Al-Haj, Allah described the believers ‘And they have been guided to the purest of speeches; and guided to the path of Him who is worthy of all praise.’ When you talk during your visit, say only what fits the situation and be brief. If you are the youngest among those sitting, don’t speak unless you […]


Man is aware about his inevitable death, yet he indulges in laughter and merriment. Knowing that this world will come to an end, man still hankers after it. Man knows that everything has been predestined yet he laments over the loss of something. Man has been warned and has the full knowledge about the fire of […]

Prophet LUT.

The stories of the prophets which are told to us in the Qur’an are not just tales of devout and God-fearing people. They are meant to serve as a warning to us of what happens to people who do not follow in the way of Allah. Prophet Lut’s community The society in which Prophet Lut […]

Islamic Manners- Manners Of Visiting.

GREETING If you enter a room, greet everyone inside. If you want to shake hands with those present, start with the most eminent, the most knowledgeable, the most pious, the oldest or those who have similar Islamic distinctions. Do not overlook the most distinguished or most eminent and start with the first person on your […]