Regarding the mistakes which occur during the tawaaf

Regarding the mistakes which occur during the tawaaf Question: There are some mistakes which occur whilst making tawaaf, what are those mistakes? Response: Many pilgrims adhere to specific supplications whilst making tawaaf. There are groups from amongst them that take (their supplications) from one designated to read and then they all repeat this as a group in chorus. […]

Regarding one making the talbiyyah and the rest follow him in chorus

Regarding one making the talbiyyah and the rest follow him in chorus *Please appropriately reference this fatwa to:, thankyou!* Question: What is the ruling regarding the pilgrims making Khulafaa. as a group (in chorus), whereby one of them makes the talbiyyah and the rest follow him? Response: This is not permissible for the non-existence of any evidence from […]

Regarding kissing the Yemeni corner

Regarding kissing the Yemeni corner Question: Is it permissible to kiss the Yemeni corner (of the Ka’bah)? Response: Kissing the Yemeni corner (ar-Rukn al-Yamaanee) is not confirmed from the Messenger of Allaah (sal-Allaahu `alayhe wa sallam). Any act of worship which is not confirmed from the Messenger of Allaah (sal-Allaahu `alayhe wa sallam) is an innovation and […]

Employee of a bank wishes to perform Hajj using his earnings

Question: I am an employee at a bank, so is it permissible for me to perform Hajj from my earnings? Response: Working in a bank which deals with ribaa is not permissible. This is because it is assisting in sin and evil. And also, the Prophet (sal-Allaahu `alayhe wa sallam) cursed the one who ate/benefitted (aakil) from ribaa, as well […]

Making Hajj whilst having outstanding loan to pay off

Question: A Muslim wanted to perform the obligatory Hajj whilst having an (outstanding) loan, so if he were to seek permission from the loaners and they permitted him to perform the Hajj, would his Hajj be acceptable? Response: If the situation is as you have mentioned, with the permission of the loaners to perform Hajj […]

Making Hajj with haraam money

Question: What is the ruling regarding someone who performed Hajj with money which was haram, i.e. from the profits of selling (illegal) drugs. Then sending tickets for Hajj to his parents and they perform Hajj, knowing that this money has been gathered from the sale of (illegal) drugs. Is this Hajj acceptable or not? Response: […]

Ihram On An airplane

Not knowing exactly when to enter state of ihraam whilst in an airplane Question: A man wanted to perform the Hajj or ‘Umrah and put on the ihraam clothing on the airplane. Then he did not know the place of the meeqat, so should he delay entering the state of ihraam once he reaches Jeddah or not? […]