Is it possible for the inhabitants of our global village to live peacefully together and reap the fruits of science and technology whose pace of advancement is ever increasing? Or are their religious, cultural and civilization differences bound to create clashes and wars among them? The matter is so important that it behooves Muslim intellectuals […]
Allah Almighty tells about the source of lying inside the brain of humans, fourteen hundred years ago. Allah tells us how He will deal with the liars, the lying sinful liars, in surah Al Alaq. (chpater 96). “Allah will grab him by the (naseyah) [frontal lobe of the brain], the lying sinful (naseyah). How could anyone […]
[2.251] By the permission of Allah, they routed them. David slew Goliath, and Allah bestowed on him the kingship and wisdom, and taught him from that He willed. Had Allah not pushed the people, some by the other, the earth would have been corrupted. But Allah is Bountiful to the worlds. [2.252] These are the verses of […]