Question: Is it permissible for a woman to uncover her hair, neck and arms infront of her mahrams – such as her father and her brother? Response: Yes, it is permissible for a woman to have them – and that which is similar – uncovered in the presence of her mahrams. And Allaah has the […]
Question: I married a man. After the marriage, he requested that I should not cover my face in front of his brothers otherwise he would divorce me. What should I do while I fear divorce? Response: It is not allowed for a man to be flexible with respect to his wife and allow her to […]
Regarding making a long supplication behind the maqaam Ibraaheem Question: What is the ruling regarding making a long supplication behind the maqaam Ibraaheem? Response: From the innovations that some people do when they stand behind the maqaam Ibraaheem is that they make a long supplication which they call “du’aa. al-maqaam”. There is no basis for this from the Sunnah of the […]