Author: Dr.Naji-Bin-Waqdan
Where Did God Come From?
This question has to be evaluated on its merits and restated according to Islamic understandings. First and foremost, Muslims do not compare Allah to His creation. Therefore, the question can be answered as such due to the fact that Allah is completely Exalted and far above mortal description; He is not “like” His creation. Allah […]
Allah, may He be glorified and exalted, does not enjoin evil.
When I memorized Soorat Yoosuf, this verse stuck in my mind: “So when they took him [out] and agreed to put him into the bottom of the well… But We inspired to him, ‘You will surely inform them [someday] about this affair of theirs while they do not perceive’” [Yoosuf 12:15]. Allah inspired the brothers […]
In Sura Al-Haj, Allah described the believers ‘And they have been guided to the purest of speeches; and guided to the path of Him who is worthy of all praise.’ When you talk during your visit, say only what fits the situation and be brief. If you are the youngest among those sitting, don’t speak unless you […]
He was the son of Ya‘qub (Alayhis salam) and the grandson of Ishaaq (Alayhis salam). He was the next to youngest of twelve sons and a favorite of his father. One day he had a dream in which eleven planets, the sun, and the moon were bowing down in front of him. When his father […]