Author: Dr.Naji-Bin-Waqdan
The ruling on seeking knowledge with the intention of refuting the specious arguments that are made against Islam
Question I love to seek knowledge for many reasons, one of which is that I hope that it will be a means of drawing closer to Allah, may He be exalted. I also hope that it will rid me of whispers and doubts, by Allah’s leave, and I hope that I will be able to […]
The Fourty Nawawi Ahaadeeth, The Forth Hadeeth
On the authority of Abū ʽAbdur-Raḥmān, ʽAbdullāh bin Masʽūd, who said: TheMessenger of Allah , and he is the truthful, the believed, narrated to us:”Indeed, the creation of one of you is brought together in his mother’s belly for forty days in the form of a zygote, then he is a clinging clot for a […]
It is your duty to visit your Muslim brethren in time of illness. This will enhance and nourish the bond of Islam and the brotherhood among you. As a committed Muslim, do not undervalue the great reward from Allah. Imam Muslim reported that the Messenger of Allah (PBUH) said: ‘A Muslim visiting ill brethren will continue […]
Observe complete respect and reverence to your father and mother, for they are the most worthy of your consideration. Al-Bukhari and Muslim reported that a man asked the Prophet (PBUH): Oh Messenger of Allah, who is the most worthy of my best conduct?’ He answered: ‘Your mother! Your mother! Your mother! Then your father, then the […]
Baihaqi reported on the authority of Salman Al-Farsi (Radhi Allah ‘Anh) that Prophet (‘Alaihi Salat was-Salam) delivered a sermon on the last day of the month of Sha’ban. In it he (‘Alaihi Salat was-Salam) said, “O People! The month of Allah (Ramadan) has come with its mercies, blessings and forgivenesses. Allah has decreed this month the best […]
The Month of Repentance .
The month of Ramadan is a great opportunity for returning to Allah The Almighty with repentance. It is the month of mercy, erasing mistakes, expiating evil deeds, salvation from Hellfire and attaining Paradise. The fortunate person is he who knows this and hastens to the actions that draw him near to His Lord by turning […]
The Fourty Nawawi Ahaadeeth, The Third Hadeeth.
On the authority of Abū ʽAbdur-Raḥmān, ʽAbdullāh, son of ʽUmar bin al-Khaṭṭāb,who said: I heard the Messenger of Allah () say: “Islam has been built on five: testifying that there is no deity but Allah and that Muḥammad is the Messenger of Allah, the establishme nt of prayer, giving zakāh, making the pilgrimage to the […]