The Holy Qura”an-The Cow -Al Baqarah verses 251-286

  [2.251] By the permission of Allah, they routed them. David slew Goliath, and Allah bestowed on him the kingship and wisdom, and taught him from that He willed. Had Allah not pushed the people, some by the other, the earth would have been corrupted. But Allah is Bountiful to the worlds. [2.252] These are the verses […]

A good Sealing State:Husn AlKhatimah

The final state of a person at the time of death is what matters in the Hereafter. In this article, we discuss some of the causes for both good and evil sealing states, and how a person’s inner traits will dominate at the time of death. In a hadith transmitted by Ibn Abi ’al-Dunya in his Commanding […]

The Ineitable

All praises are for Allah who has given us life, the air to sustain us and has made us from amongst the best of mankind. Preparation! So much preparation. Everyday we prepare, either for a ceremony or a special occasion or just for our routine household activities in general. But we forget that there is an inevitable […]