Is Dhul-Qarnayn or Zulqarnayn, Alexander the Great?

Some Muslims and other commentators have identified Dhul Qarnayn with Alexander the Great . But they don’t have any evidence approves their opinion. According to the last holy book( the holy Qura’an) which been revealed to the prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him), the story of Dhul Qarnayn been mentioned there in a brief expression […]

Islam, a Profound Civilization.

A.J. Toynbee, Civilization on Trial, New York, 1948, p. 205: “The extinction of race consciousness as between Muslims is one of the outstanding achievements of Islam and in the contemporary world.  There is, as it happens, a crying need for the propagation of this Islamic virtue.” A.M.L. Stoddard, quoted in Islam – The Religion of […]

Ten Commandments in the Quran .

Reading the title, some people might think of the ‘The Ten Commandments,’ one of the most financially successful  movies and rated as one of the best ten ever.  Or the title might stir the memories of the national debate of putting ‘The Ten Commandments’ on public property and use in public schools that ended in the […]

The Judicial System in Islam.

Man is a social being by nature.  He cannot live perpetually on his own, completely independent of others.  People are interdependent.  Consequently, friction arise between them when their personal interests come into conflict with each other, or when what they perceive as their individual rights infringe upon those of others.  Conflicts between them inevitably break […]

Why Does Quran Say “We & He”?

This is a good question and one that Bible readers have also asked about. The term “We” in the Bible and in the Quran is the royal “We” – as an example when the king says, “We decree the following declaration, etc.” or, “We are not amused.”   It does not indicate plural; rather it […]

Natasa, Ex-Catholic, Slovakia.

I converted to Islam two months ago and did not think it important to share my story, but in the past few days, I realized that I myself benefitted from other new Muslims’ stories, so why not let someone benefit from my journey to Islam? Inshallah (God-Willing) someone will read it and come to the […]

How Islam Deals With Sadness and Worry,The Human Condition.

The average human being in the developed world battles sadness and worry on a daily basis.  While the majority of the world’s population confront extreme poverty, famine, conflict and despair those of us privileged to lead relatively easy lives must tackle fear, stress, and anxiety.  Why are those of us blessed with riches beyond compare […]

The Tolerance of the Prophet towards Other Religions.

Given consent by the constitution, the Jews had the complete freedom to practice their religion.  The Jews in Medina at the time of the Prophet had their own school of learning, namedBait-ul-Midras, where they would recite the Torah, worship and educate themselves. The Prophet emphasized in many letters to his emissaries that religious institutions should […]