The Justice of Judgement.

True belief has a reward in the hereafter.  Disbelief does too, buuuut … you don’t want it.  Such has been the message of all the prophets—each and every one of them. How can we justify an afterlife?  Well, where else can the injustices of this life be rectified, if not in an afterlife?  What we […]

Life after Death.

The question of whether or not there is life after death does not fall into the field of science, because science is only concerned with the classification and analysis of recorded data.  Moreover, man has been busy with scientific enquiries and research, in the modern sense of the term, only for the last few centuries, […]

The Authenticity and Preservation of the Holy Quran.

Although it is proven that the text of the Quran has remained intact till today, how are we sure that the words actually originated from God and not some other source?  This takes us to look at the authenticity, authority, or source of the Quran. Concerning the authorship of the Quran, Muslims believe that it […]

The Judicial System in Islam.

Man is a social being by nature.  He cannot live perpetually on his own, completely independent of others.  People are interdependent.  Consequently, friction arise between them when their personal interests come into conflict with each other, or when what they perceive as their individual rights infringe upon those of others.  Conflicts between them inevitably break […]

Position of Islam Regarding Lies And Liars .

Allah Almighty tells about the source of lying inside the brain of humans, fourteen hundred years ago. Allah tells us how He will deal with the liars, the lying sinful liars, in surah Al Alaq. (chpater 96).  “Allah will grab him by the (naseyah) [frontal lobe of the brain], the lying sinful (naseyah).  How could anyone […]

The Door to Eternal Paradise.

The reality of Paradise is something which people will never be able to understand until they actually enter it, but God has shown us glimpses of it in the Quran.  He has described it as a place essentially different to the life of this world, both in the very nature and purpose of life, as […]

The Existence Of God{ Allah}.

How complex systems prove the existence of God and refute the theory of Darwin? Breathing, eating, walking, etc, are very natural human functions.  But most people do not think about how these basic actions take place.  For example, when you eat a fruit, you do not contemplate on how it will be made useful to […]