Ramadan – Connecting with our Creator.

Most people, when they think about Ramadan, ponder on the fact that it is a month when Muslims neither eat nor drink nor enjoy sexual intimacy from the first moment of dawn until sunset.  I made a terrible mistake in my very first Ramadan as a new Muslim – I started off OK, but thought […]

Ramadhan: The Month of Qur’an.

The first part of this is based on an extract from Ibn Rajab al-Hanbali’s Lata’if al-Ma’arif (pp. 179-182), quoted by Fahd bin Sulaiman in Kayf Nastafeed min Ramadan (pp. 48-50).  Ramadan has a special relationship with the Qur’an, of course:  “The month of Ramadan is the one in which the Quran was sent down, a […]

5 ways to make this Ramadan extraordinary!

Assalamualaikum wa rahmatullahi wa barakatuhu, My dear friends and students, Welcome to our long-lost friend: Ramadan. How we have missed the days of self-restraint and the nights of mercy and delight! After eleven months of sinning, we now have the opportunity to avail ourselves of a month of mercy and forgiveness. For those whose duas […]

Turn off that stove!

An eight-step Ramadan Plan for Sisters Thanks to sound vision for this wonderful reminder If you’re in charge of cooking in your household, and it’s usually women around the world who are, then you can feel like most of your Ramadan is spent over a hot stove instead of on a prayer mat. I was […]

Great Ramadan ideas for children.

In this blessed month of Ramadan I will try my best to use my time wisely. Even if I am little, I will try hard to fast at least some of the day & do other good things. 1. Sleep little – eat little …I will not try to let the day pass faster by sleeping […]

Why must we be generous on Ramadan?

In the Name of Allah, Most Gracious, Most Merciful All praise is due to Allah, Lord of the Realms; and Prayers and Peace of Allah be upon our Prophet Muhammad, and upon all his family and companions.  Ibn Rajab, may Allah have mercy upon him, said in Lata’if Al-Ma‘arif, addressing the increasing generosity of The Prophet, […]

Utilize Leisure Time.

worry and distress is a great blessing, and to have a body free from diseases is a great blessing, too. However, they are the very blessings on which people are deceived. The Prophet sallallahu `alayhi wa sallam was reported to have said, “There are two blessings in which people are cheated: health and leisure time.” […]

Nurturing Marital Love.

He bounded up the stairs so energetically that it was hard for me to believe that here was a man of more than eighty years. He had the vitality of a youth. Then I learned the reason why:  Though he had gotten married back in 1947 when he was about thirty years old, he was […]

How To Stop Gossip.

If any of us hear gossip about one of our brothers, we are enjoined to oppose it, and correct the speaker- gently, politely, and with wisdom. This is in accordance with the various ways of changing a bad deed which were described by the Messenger of Allah (SAAS) 1, which we should try to do […]