Praying the Tahiyyatul-Masjid whilst the adhaan for Jumu’ah is being called

Praying the Tahiyyatul-Masjid whilst the adhaan for Jumu’ah is being called Question: Should he pray the Tahiyyatul-Masjid (2 rak’ah prayer) when he enters the masjid whilst the adhaan for Jumu’ah is being called? Response: Yes. If a Muslim enters the masjid whilst the adhaan for Jumu’ah is being called, then he should pray the Tahiyyatul-Masjid and not wait until the mu.adhdhin has finished (calling theadhaan). Shaykh ‘Abdur-Razzaaq ‘Afeefee Fataawa […]

Praying two rak’ahs of the istikhaarah prayer for two separate issues

Praying two rak’ahs of the istikhaarah prayer for two separate issues Question: Is it correct to pray the two rak’ahs for the istikhaarah (prayer) for two separate issues? Response: You should pray two rak’ahs for the istikhaarah (prayer) for something specific, then you should pray (another two rak’ahs for) the istikhaarah (prayer) for another matter; This, also being in addition to the (istikhaarah) supplication, […]

The time for the Qayloolah

The time for the Qayloolah Question: According to the Sunnah, is the time for the qayloolah (siesta) before or after the Zhuhrprayer? Response: It is before they pray the Zhuhr prayer. (Then), after the (mid-day) heat has lessened, they can pray (the Zhuhr prayer). And the meaning of his (sal-Allaahu `alayhe wa sallam) saying: ((Perform the Zhuhr (prayer) when it is cool)), [Saheeh […]

Praying in the pathways adjoining the masjid

Praying in the pathways adjoining the masjid Question: What is the ruling regarding the one who prays outside the masjid, such as the one who prays in the pathways adjoining the masjid? Response: If the masjid is not large enough for the congregation and (some of them) they prayed in the adjoining pathways (to the masjid) then there is no […]

Forgetting to say ((prayer is better than sleep)) during the adhaan of the Fajr prayer

Forgetting to say ((prayer is better than sleep)) during the adhaan of the Fajr prayer Question: What is the ruling if the mu.adhdhin forgets to say ((prayer is better than sleep))[during the adhaan of the Fajr prayer)? Response: The ruling regarding the one who forgot to say ((prayer is better than sleep)) during the adhaan of the Fajr prayer is that it is known to the people […]

A Woman correcting the recitation of the Imaam

A Woman correcting the recitation of the Imaam Question: If a woman prays behind the men and the imaam errs in his recitation of the Qur.aanand no-one corrects him, is the woman allowed to correct him if she knows? Response: If this occurs during (the recitation of Soorah) al-Faatihah, then it is obligatory upon her to correct him, because […]

When to make the Istikhaarah Supplication

When to make the Istikhaarah Supplication Question: Is the istikhaarah supplication to be made in the prostration (position during the istikhaarah prayer) or after completing the (istikhaarah) prayer? Response: The istikhaarah supplication is to be done upon completing the two units of (istikhaarah) prayer, as the Prophet (sal-Allaahu ‘alayhe wa sallam) said: «…then let him […]