‘Alaqah is a stage in the development of the human embryo. One of the meanings of the term ‘alaqah is a leech. If you examine the illustrations above, you clearly see that the shape of the embryo does in fact resemble a leech. ‘Alaqah refers to the embryo when it is extremely small. Due to the small sizes involved scientists could […]
Toma’aneenah is tranquillity. Allah says, “Those who believe and whose hearts find toma’aneenah in the remembrance of Allah. Verily in the remembrance of Allah do hearts find toma’aneenah.” [13:28] “O you the one with toma’aneenah! Come back to your Lord, well-pleased and well-pleasing unto Him! Enter you, then among My honored slaves, and enter My […]
In this issue we feature sins and their harmful effects. Some special mention is needed regarding young Muslims, especially those in their teenage years. It is often taken for granted that these are the years of carelessness and not those of serious thought. This is not an Islamic position. Indeed we find youth in the […]