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Praying immediately to the right or left of the imaam when crowded
- Dr.Naji-Bin-Waqdan
- September 14, 2011
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Praying immediately to the right or left of the imaam when crowded Question: If the congregation became crowded in the masjid, then is it permissible for some of them to pray (immediately) to the right of the imaam and his left. And is the one who prays (immediately) to the right of the imaam regarded as having attained the reward […]
When to stand for the prayer during the iqaamah
- Dr.Naji-Bin-Waqdan
- September 16, 2011
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When to stand for the prayer during the iqaamah Question: Is there any mention in the Sunnah of the moment (when one should) stand for the prayer when the iqaamah is called? Response: There is no mention in the Sunnah as to the moment (when one should) stand, other than the Prophet (sal-Allaahu `alayhe wa sallam) said: ((Do not stand (up […]
Performing the Tahiyyatul-Masjid whilst the Adhaan is being called
- Dr.Naji-Bin-Waqdan
- September 13, 2011
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Performing the Tahiyyatul-Masjid whilst the Adhaan is being called Question: What is the ruling regarding performing the Tahiyyatul-Masjid (a 2 rak’ah prayer upon entering the masjid) whilst the mu.adhdhin is calling the adhaan, keeping in mind that there is no time between the adhaan and the iqaamah to perform the Tahiyyatul-Masjid? Response: It is preferable […]