Esteemed and loved by all Muslims and known as a pious and devout woman, Mary, the mother of Jesus was chosen above all other women. Islam rejects the Christian notion that Jesus is part of a trinity that is God, and denies emphatically that either Jesus or his mother, Mary, are worthy of worship. […]
Author: Dr.Naji-Bin-Waqdan
causes of apathy and the remedy for that
What is the best solution for apathy in faith after a person used to fear Allaah, then he became apathetic and can no longer read Qur’aan?. Praise be to Allah. There are several causes of apathy and before dealing with the problem we have to pause and find out the cause. There are several ways […]
Islamic manners , USING MOBILE PHONES
Etiquettes of the Mobile Phone Islam has never been opposed to advancement. However, certain advancements are such that together with their benefits come much harm. Whilst mobile technology and the mobile phone in particular has revolutionised the way we live, it is important that we utilise such technology appropriately. Crude Manners It is important to […]
The ruling regarding making the sacrifice and then leaving it.
Question: What is the ruling about someone who slaughters his sacrifice and then leaves it, is this rewarded or not? Response: It is upon the one who slaughters his sacrifice to make sure it reaches those who are rightfully in need and it is not permissible to slaughter it and then leave it. However, if […]
Fasting on the Day of ‘Arafah.
The ninth day of Dhul-Hijjah (the 12th and final month of the Islamic calendar) is the Day of ‘Arafah. It is the day when pilgrims stand on the plain of ‘Arafah to pray. On this day, Muslims all over the world who do not witness the annual Hajj should spend the day in fasting, in preparation for the three days […]