What Is The Natural Instinct.

The Natural Instinct Is The Secret That Lies In The Soul. It Is The Essence Of Human Creation, The Secret Of Human Existence. It Is The Reference Of Secrets In The Existential Sense Of The Truth Of Man. Its Perfection Completes The Concept Of Man, Otherwise This Very Meaning Will Be Diminished And Man Will […]

The Uniqueness of the Brain Creation.

The Secrets of the Brain The well-known neuroscientist David Ottoson – author of the “Challenges and Perspectives in Neuroscience” – says in the introduction of the book: “It is impossible for neuroscientists at any day, whether at the present time or the future, to fathom the mysteries of the brain and reveal his secrets definitely […]

Honey kills Bacteria that resist antibiotics.

By: Abduldaem Al-Kaheel A scientific study assures that Allah (SWT) supplied honey with natural antibiotics that kills dangerous microbes, let us read …   A new scientific study A new scientific study has shown that honey has special characteristics that help to defend against germs. Honey also has high capability to resistbacteria that evolved their […]

The Beautiful Names of Allah.

Al-Khaliq _The Creator Professor Mohammad Ratib En- Nabulsi All Praise belongs to Allah, Lord of all worlds. Now, we start with the seventeenth of Allah’s Beautiful Divine Names, “Al-Khaliq” (the Creator). First of all, Allah, All Mighty, says, “O mankind! Worship your Lord (Allah), Who created you and those who were before you, so that […]

The Beautiful Names of Allah .

Al-Mou’iz, Al-Mouthil _The One Who honors and abases Professor Mohammad Ratib En- Nabulsi In the vastness of this sixteenth Divine Name of Allah, Most Gracious, we seek happiness. The Name is “Al-Mu’iz, Al-Muthil” (the One Who honors and abases). However, before we set out in our study and analysis of this Beautiful Divine Name of […]

Jesus Christ – Son of God? : “Son” or “Slave”?

Christian clergy openly acknowledge that Jesus never called himself “son of God,” however they claim that others did.  This too has an answer. Investigating the manuscripts that make up the New Testament, one finds that the alleged “sonship” of Jesus is based upon the mistranslation of two Greek words—pais and huios, both of which are […]

The Greatest Calamity – the Death of the Prophet.

When Surah an-Nasr was revealed the Companions rejoiced with the glad tidings of help and victory from Allah. The chapter depicts a most pleasing scene of people embracing the religion of Islam in large crowds, fulfilling the prophecy of the Prophet Muhammad (sallallahu ‘alayhi wa sallam), that Islam would spread across the Arabian Peninsula. Abu […]

Why did God create everything?

Allah says in His Quran He did not create all of this for any foolish purpose. Allah Says: And I did not Create the jinn and humans except they should worship Me. [Noble Quran 51:56] He created us for the purpose of worshiping Him, Alone and without any partners. And He it is Who has […]