Waiting until she becomes pure.

Question: There is no doubt that the tawaaf known as al-ifaadhah is one of the pillars and essential acts of the Hajj. If the menstruating women did not perform it due to lack of time and the time was not such that she could wait for her menses to end, what is the ruling concerning that?

The devotional love in Islam.

 Love for the Messenger of Allahris mandatory, and a consequence of the love of AllahIthe love of the Prophet increases as increases the love for AllahIin the heart of the believer, and decreases if this decreases. Anyone who loves Allah Iloved by him and for him, and for this reason loves the faith and pious […]

A journey to God.

The flight details  Type of ticket : Only one-way Price: Absolutely free (reservation confirmed) Details of the passenger Name: One of the sons of Adam Source: Mud Address: Planet Earth Conditions of travel Starting point: Of life on Earth Target: Eternal life Stop: Hotel (2 meters under ground, for one person) Flight duration: Of a couple of seconds to many millions of years

Islam and me.

My name is Lyndsey-Yazmeen Koenig; I am 17 years old and I live in Maine in the northeastern United States of America. I have been a Muslim since September 18th, 2001. This is my story of Islam and me.  “Jewish people celebrate Hanukah and are a different religion than us – different from Christianity. Judaism […]


Some people think that the performance of Hajj and Umrah is very complicated. Therefore, they don’t make enough effort to learn to perform the essential rites correctly and have to pay Dam (sacrifice of an animal) as a penalty. Then some people are put off by the lengthy Dua’as in Arabic listed in the most books. To put these […]