Jesus Christ – Son of God? : “Son” or “Slave”?

Christian clergy openly acknowledge that Jesus never called himself “son of God,” however they claim that others did.  This too has an answer. Investigating the manuscripts that make up the New Testament, one finds that the alleged “sonship” of Jesus is based upon the mistranslation of two Greek words—pais and huios, both of which are […]

The Greatest Calamity – the Death of the Prophet.

When Surah an-Nasr was revealed the Companions rejoiced with the glad tidings of help and victory from Allah. The chapter depicts a most pleasing scene of people embracing the religion of Islam in large crowds, fulfilling the prophecy of the Prophet Muhammad (sallallahu ‘alayhi wa sallam), that Islam would spread across the Arabian Peninsula. Abu […]

Why did God create everything?

Allah says in His Quran He did not create all of this for any foolish purpose. Allah Says: And I did not Create the jinn and humans except they should worship Me. [Noble Quran 51:56] He created us for the purpose of worshiping Him, Alone and without any partners. And He it is Who has […]

Comforts and Luxuries .

The more people increase in comfort and luxury and the more they open up before the people [with the Dunya], the more evils will open up before them. It is comfort and luxury that destroys a person. Because if a person was to concern himself with comfort and luxury and providing enjoyment to his body, […]

What Kind Of Supplication Would You Say In Lailat-ul-Qadr?

Lailat-ul-Qadr( Night of Decree) {اللهم إنك عفو تحب العفو فاعف عني} Ayeshaرضي الله عنها reported: I asked:” O messenger of Allah! if I realize Lailat-ul-Qadr( Night of Decree), what would I supplicate in it? He replied ,” you would supplicate: Allahumma innaka afuwwun tuhibbul-afwa, fa’fu ‘anni ( O Allah, you are the oft pardoning, and […]

Laylatul Qadr.

Laylatul Qadr is the crowning glory of the holy month of Ramadhaan. It is associated with the sending down of the Qur’an Majeed, the last Book of Allah on His last Prophet Muhammad (Sallallaahu Alayhi Wasallam), for the guidance of mankind. The Qur’an Majeed describes this Night. إِنَّا أَنزَلْنَاهُ فِي لَيْلَةِ ٱلْقَدْرِ وَمَآ أَدْرَاكَ مَا لَيْلَةُ ٱلْقَدْرِ لَيْلَةُ ٱلْقَدْرِ خَيْرٌ […]


 Chapter of Contemplation [Muraaqaba]      Shaikh/Muhammad bin Salih Al-Uthaymin . The verses concerning this are many and well known. After mentioning the chapter concerning Truthfulness and the verses and ahadeeth pertaining to it, the author follows this up with the chapter concerning Contemplation. There are two aspects to contemplation: 1. That you contemplate Allah, […]

Why Ramadan is Special: Characteristics and Features.

Fasting has great merits and beneficial outcomes, which are often referred to in the Quran and Sunnah (Prophetic tradition). Allaah The Almighty enjoined it upon His servants for a month in the year, and decreed it upon them, just as He decreed it upon those who were before them. He states (what means): {O you who […]