Things That benefit Dead.

“And that the human being can have nothing but what he has earned (good or bad).”Al-Qur’an 53:39 Commenting on this ayah Ibn Kathir, rahimahullah, said, “Imam ash-Shafi’i concluded from this ayah that reciting the Qur’an does not benefit the dead, because it is not from their doing and earning. For this reason, Allah’s Messenger, upon […]

Bilal Bin Raba’ah.

Bilal was a black slave belonging to ‘Umayyah ibn Khalaf. He was tall, thin and slightly hump-backed. Thick grayish hair crowned his head. He moved about silently – speaking only in reply. He was born to two slave parents, making him a slave. He used to travel to ash-Sham for ‘Umayyah’s trading caravan, braving the […]

Leaving the masjid to go and eat or drink whilst in the state of i’tkaaf.

Question: Is it permissible for the one in a state of i’tikaaf to leave the Haram (i.e. al-Masjid al-Haraam in Makkah or al-Masjid an-Nabawee in Madeenah) to go and eat or drink? And is it permissible for him to ascend to the roof of the masjid to listen to the lectures? Response: Yes, It is permissible for one in the state of i’tikaaf in al-Masjid al-Haraam (in Makkah) or other than […]


  To all my brothers, I would like to inform you that if you need to know any information about Zakat Al-Fitr or Eid Al- Fitr rules , just visit home page and see icons of Ramadan and charity. Thanks. Website.

Goals Of Fasting.

The acts of worship that the Muslims practice seek to achieve certain goals and benefits that Allah wants His slaves to acquire knowledge in them and to comprehend and achieve them. Among these acts of worship is fasting during the lunar month of Ramadhan, which has several goals that the Muslims must strive to achieve […]

غزوة بني قريظة دراسة تحليلية نقدية مع نقد لبعض آراء المستشرقين Banu Graizah foray.

هذه الرسالة لنيل درجة الماجستير من الجامعة الإسلامية بالمدينة المنورة كلية الدعوة وأصول الدين للباحث د. ناجي بن محمد بن وقدان, وقد تناولت البحث في غزوة بني قريظة مع النقد والرد لبعض اراء المستشرقين حولها. كما أن هناك رسالة الدكتوراه  للباحث حول شبهات المستشرقين حول قصص القرآن الكريم والرد عليها وسيتم رفعها إن شاء الله قريبا […]


My brothers; If you look for any information about fasting or about Ramadan, please visit the icon of fasting in the home page. Thanks. Website.

Congratulation .

I would like to congratulate all my brothers in Islam by the coming of Ramadan 2016, and asking Allah the almighty to accept their good deeds and efforts. Website Supervision.