Call to Islam.

Call to Islam (1) ALLAH IS THE CREATOR الله الخـالق  In the Name of Allah, the Beneficent, the Merciful  All praise is due to Allah who declares in His most glorified Book that [Allah is the Creator of all things…](Q39:62).  Therefore, Allah is the originator of everything; He created the universe with everything therein, including […]

Having Hope in Allaah The Almighty.

There are certain deeds that should never be neglected, which affect the heart permanently. Yet, some people, due to their weakness in faith, may be careless and may not perform them regularly. One deed of the heart is to have constant hope in the kindness, generosity and favours of Allaah The Almighty. One should be […]

Sincerity and Its Fruits .

If a servant strives against himself until he does not care about life and the praise and commendation of people and dedicates all his worship to Allaah The Almighty, he will be one of the people of sincerity whose every action, word, love and hatred is for the sake of Allaah The Almighty alone. The […]

The legislated period of mourning.

Question: Is it prohibited for a woman who is in her legislated period of mourning to drink coffee with saffron (mixed) in it and other than that? Response: The woman in her legislated period of mourning is prohibited from a number of things, and they are: i) Applying the eye liner (kohl);