Giving food and drink to the Fasting person.

Question: In Ramadhaan last year (1409H/1988), my husband returned home from work and when he entered the house he asked me to bring him a glass of water to drink so I didn’t remind him that he was fasting. I looked at him to confirm if he was fasting or not and it became clear […]

When to break the fast whilst in flight?

Question: What is the time for breaking the fast in Ramadhaan whilst in flight? Response: If someone is on board an aircraft during the day in Ramadhaan and he is fasting and wishes to continue his fast until sunset, then it is not permissible for him to break his fast until the sun has set […]

Fasted without taking the sahoor (pre-dawn meal).

Question: A person went to sleep before the sahoor in Ramadhaan whilst having the intention to take the sahoor. But, he slept through ’til the morning. Is his fast correct or not? Response: His fast is correct because the sahoor is not a condition for the correctness of the fast. Rather it is preferable, for […]

Why Religious Fasting Could Be Good for Your Brain.

Ramadan is in its third week now, and the required dawn-to-dusk fasting often feels like a daily mini–marathon. By late afternoon, hunger and thirst have sucked me dry, leaving me sleepy, slow-minded, and sometimes short-tempered. I know that the purpose of fasting is spiritual—God will reward us in the next life—but in this lifetime, fasting […]

Eighteen Reasons For Fasting.

O ye who believe! Fasting is ordained for you, even as it was ordained for those before you, that ye may guard yourself (against evil)” Qur’an: Chapter 2, Verse 183). Ramadan is a month of fasting and prayers for the Muslims. The fast consists of total abstinence from food and drink from dawn to dusk. There […]

The Month of Silence.

Anas bin Malik ﻰﺿر ﷲ ﻪﻨﻋ relates that Ramadhan arrived so the Prophet ﷲ ﻪﻴﻠﻋ ﻢﻠﺳو ﻰﻠﺻ said, ‘Indeed this month has come upon you, and therein is a night which is better than a thousand months. Whoever is deprived of it is deprived of all good, and none is deprived of it except one […]

Ten Tips for Ramadan.

As the blessed month of Ramadhan approaches, we need to prepare for it in such a way that we can gain the maximum benefit of this month. For many, Ramadhan comes and goes. However, very few people actually benefit from this great month. Our teachers advise us to live the whole year as if we […]

Making the Best in Ramadan.

By Shaikh M. Ibrahim Memon The Holy month of Ramadan is a great opportunity for all believers to reestablish their relationship with Almighty Allah . During this month, Allah opens the doors of guidance, mercy, and forgiveness and showers His blessings on mankind. Blessed are those who avail this opportunity and work hard to obtain […]

Effects of Worship in Ramadan.

Experience has shown that effects of ibaadat (worship) in the blessed month ofRamadhan remain upon the remainder of the year. Whomsoever practises any virtue informally therein, ease of performing A’amale Salihah overtakes them thereafter. Similarly, whoever prevents them self from sinning therein, for the remaining eleven months abstentation will become easy. In reality, prevention from sins […]