Donating blood whilst fasting.

Question: Does donating blood during the day in Ramadhaan break the fast? Response: Yes! If he donates and a lot of blood is drawn out, then he breaks his fast as it is regarded as similar to cupping (hijaamah). Shaykh Ibn Fowzaan Fataawa Ramadhaan – Volume 2, Page 467, Fatwa No.405.

Blood drawn out for analysis purposes.

Question: What is the ruling regarding someone who has half a measure of blood drawn out of his right arm for analysis purposes whilst fasting during the day in Ramadhaan? Response: The fast is not nullified for this (analysis), rather it is exempted from. This is because it is a necessity and not from that […]

Bleeding whilst fasting.

Question: What is the ruling of the one who bleeds whilst fasting? Response: If the person was to bleed without intention whilst fasting, then his fast is valid. And with Allaah lies all the success, and may Allaah send prayers and salutations upon our Prophet Muhammad (sal-Allaahu `alayhe wa sallam) and his family and his companions. The […]