Joining the congregation whilst they are in Sujood

Joining the congregation whilst they are in Sujood Question: If a person (intending to perform the congregational prayer) finds the imaam in sujood, should he wait until he arises (from the sujood) or should he (immediately) join him (in sujood)? Response: It is preferable for him to join the imaam in whatever position he finds […]

Performing the Tahiyyatul-Masjid whilst the Adhaan is being called

Performing the Tahiyyatul-Masjid whilst the Adhaan is being called Question: What is the ruling regarding performing the Tahiyyatul-Masjid (a 2 rak’ah prayer upon entering the masjid) whilst the mu.adhdhin is calling the adhaan, keeping in mind that there is no time between the adhaan and the iqaamah to perform the Tahiyyatul-Masjid? Response: It is preferable […]

Repeating the istikhaarah prayer

Repeating the istikhaarah prayer Question: Is repetition of the istikhaarah prayer legislated? Response: Repetition of the istikhaarah prayer is legislated if the heart is not at ease with either of the two choices after the first prayer. Shaykh ‘Abdur-Razzaaq ‘Afeefee Fataawa wa Shaykh ‘Abdur-Razzaaq ‘Afeefee – Page 410, Fatwa No.15   source:

Performing the prayer on behalf of the deceased

Performing the prayer on behalf of the deceased Question: My husband was martyred two years ago and prior to his martyrdom I used to perform the prayer for myself, however, after he was martyred I began to perform the prayer for myself and also on his behalf. And I (have continued upon) this state (way), […]

Perfuming oneself with cologne and then praying

Perfuming oneself with cologne and then praying Question: (What is the ruling) regarding perfuming (oneself) with cologne, and if a person perfumed his clothing with it, can he pray in that clothing? Response: If the percentage of alcohol in it (the cologne) is large, then it is better to refrain from perfuming with it, and […]

Completes the missed part of the Prayer before Imaam’s tasleem

Completes the missed part of the Prayer before Imaam’s tasleem Question: Is it permissible for the latecomer to (join the congregational prayer and then in the final tashahhud) stand and complete what he has missed of the prayer before the imaam has actually completed the (congregational) prayer? Response: This is not permissible for him to […]

Praying behind one who Smokes

Question: What is the ruling regarding praying behind one who smokes? Response: If you are able to find another imaam, then do not pray behind him (the smoker). And if you were unable to find other than the imaam who smokes, then you are required to pray behind him; Do not pray alone by yourself. […]

The Imaam remembered he had not prayed the ‘Asr prayer

Question: The Imaam led the Maghrib prayer and during the prayer he remembered he had not prayed the ‘Asr prayer, so what should he do? Response: This Imaam, who forgot the ‘Asr prayer and began the Maghrib prayer and thereafter remembered during the prayer he had not prayed [the] ‘Asr [prayer] should continue with the […]