A woman praying inside her home after the adhaan or the iqaamah has been called Question: When should a woman pray inside the home, is it after the adhaan (has been called locally) or after the iqaamah (has been called)? Response: If the time (for the prayer) has arrived, then the women who are in the homes should pray […]
Author: Dr.Naji-Bin-Waqdan
The adhaan and iqaamah for the women
The adhaan and iqaamah for the women Question: Is the adhaan and the iqaamah obligatory upon the women or is it (merely) recommended? Response: We have said (many) times that with respect to rulings and (their) definition theSharee’ah applies to both the man and woman equally. So (the Prophet (sal-Allaahu `alayhe wa sallam)) said: ((Indeed the women are the twins […]
The imaam pausing after reciting Soorah al-Faatihah
The imaam pausing after reciting Soorah al-Faatihah Question: Is it legislated for the imaam to pause after reciting (Soorah) al-Faatihah so those behind him are able to recite (Soorah) al-Faatihah or not? (Please) provide us with a fatwa, (and may Allaah) reward you. Response: That which is established from the Prophet (sal-Allaahu `alayhe wa sallam) are two pauses:
The prostration of forgetfulness – before or after the tasleem?
The prostration of forgetfulness – before or after the tasleem? Question: Is the prostration of forgetfulness (sujood as-sahoo) to be done before the tasleem(completion of the prayer) or after it, or are there situations where it is to be done before thetasleem and (likewsie) situations where it is to be done after it?
Lifting one or both feet off the ground whilst in sujood
Lifting one or both feet off the ground whilst in sujood Question: Noble Shaykh, I notice some people, whilst in the sujood (position) they lift one of their feet, or (even) both. So what is the ruling regarding this action? Response: It is not permissible for the one in sujood to lift any of the (required) seven (body) parts […]
Reciting two Soorahs in a single rak’ah
Reciting two Soorahs in a single rak’ah Question: Is it permissible to combine (the reciting of) two Soorahs in a single rak’ah of an obligatory prayer? Response: There is no harm in combining (the reciting of) two Soorahs in a single rak’ah of an obligatory prayer. However, if doing so causes difficulty for the congregation behind him in an obligatory prayer, […]
Joining a praying individual and thereby performing the congregational prayer
Joining a praying individual and thereby performing the congregational prayer Question: I went to the masjid and found the congregational prayer had finished and found someone praying by himself; Is it permissible for me to stand beside him and pray (along with him) on the basis that this person is the imaam and I am following (him)?
Preventing the small child from passing infront of the one praying
Preventing the small child from passing infront of the one praying Question: What is the ruling regarding a small child under the age of 2 years passing infront of the one praying; is it imperative that he is prevented and not allowed to do so? Response: Yes, it is not permissible to leave a young […]
Performing the Dhuhaa prayer at work
Performing the Dhuhaa prayer at work Question: Is it permissible for me to perform the Dhuhaa prayer during official work hours, keeping in mind that (doing so) does not cause any hindrance or delay in the work? Response: The Dhuhaa prayer is a Sunnah, and there is excellence in it, and if you are at work and performing it does […]
Pointing without moving the index finger in the tashahhud
Pointing without moving the index finger in the tashahhud Question: What is the ruling regarding moving the (index) finger (of the right hand) during thetashahhud? Should it be moving or is it sufficient to point without moving it? Response: Whilst it is better to move (the finger), both are from the Sunnah of the Prophet (sal-Allaahu `alayhe wa […]