Transplanting hair.

Question: The transplanting of hair of those who have suffered from alopecia, is done by taking hair from the back of the head and transplanting it in the affected area. So is this permissible? Response: Yes, it is permissible; Because this is done from the aspect of restoring something to the state in which Allaah […]

Pronouncing divorce whilst intoxicated.

Question: Is the (pronouncement of) divorce by the one who is intoxicated carried out? Response: We do not issue fatwa rulings in these matters, unless such an issue has actually occurred with a particular person. However, the general rule is that this matter should be taken to the (sharee’ah) court. And if the court decides […]

I am prone to masturbation.

Question: I am a student who is prone to masturbation. So my desires have overcome me such that I have not fasted (Ramadhaan) as a result and have abstained from performing my (obligatory) prayers for a long while. And now I try to exhert myself, and most of the time I succeed (in refraining from […]

The one who masturbates.

Question: We have heard alot about the one who masturbates, so is there a hadeeth with the meaning that the one who masturbates and the one who has intercourse with a slavewoman is cursed whatever the situation? I implore you to give this subject it’s right, and may Allaah cause you to be of benefit.