The two rak’ah Sunnah prayer after the Maghrib adhaan and before the iqaamah

The two rak’ah Sunnah prayer after the Maghrib adhaan and before the iqaamah Question: What is the ruling of (performing) the tahayyatul-masjid (two rak’ah Sunnah prayer upon entering the masjid and before sitting down) just after the adhaan of (the) Maghrib (prayer) and before the (Maghrib) prayer (itself), (considering) whilst the time period between the adhaan and the iqaamah is short; And also what is the ruling of […]

Drawing lines on the Masjid floor / prayer carpet

Drawing lines on the Masjid floor / prayer carpet Question: What is the ruling regarding drawing lines on the floor or prayer carpet in the masjid in order to systematically incorporate the rows, keeping in mind that the direction of the qiblah is off-line a little? Response: There is no harm in this, and if […]

Praying on a raised area such as a bed

Praying on a raised area such as a bed Question: Is it permissible to perform the prayer on an area/place raised from the ground such as a bed or the like if a person had doubt about the purity (cleanliness) of the ground and there was no (Sharee’ah-based) excuse such as illness or the like […]

Hastening to catch the rak’ah while the imaam is bowing

Hastening to catch the rak’ah while the imaam is bowing Question: Is it permissible to hasten to catch the rak’ah with the imaam in the congregational prayer? Provide us with a fatwa, and may Allaah protect and preserve you. Response: If you entered (the place of prayer) and the imaam is bowing, then do not hasten and join the prayer until […]

When to stand for the prayer during the iqaamah

When to stand for the prayer during the iqaamah Question: Is there any mention in the Sunnah of the moment (when one should) stand for the prayer when the iqaamah is called? Response: There is no mention in the Sunnah as to the moment (when one should) stand, other than the Prophet (sal-Allaahu `alayhe wa sallam) said: ((Do not stand (up […]

Praying behind or next to women in the Haram area

Praying behind or next to women in the Haram area Question: Sometimes due to the extreme crowds in the Haram (al-Masjid al-Haraam, Makkah) the men (end up) praying behind the women or (you find) a man praying beside a woman, so is that correct? And if a woman or women came and prayed beside him, then […]

Praying between the pillars

Praying between the pillars Question: (What is) the ruling of (performing) the prayer between the pillars? Response: The (performance of the) prayer between the pillars is permissible when there is lack of space. As for when there is plenty (of space), then one should not pray between the pillars because that splits the (continuity of […]

Completing and straightening the rows in the funeral prayer

Completing and straightening the rows in the funeral prayer Question: What is the ruling of completing and straightening the rows for the funeral prayer? Response: The rows in the funeral prayer are like other rows, except the scholars have recommended the rows should not have less than three (men), even if the first rows are […]