Question: What is the ruling in the case of someone compelled to discharge Zakaatul-Fitr by money? And does it fulfill for him his obligation? Answer: It appears to me that if someone is compelled to discharge the Zakaatul-Fitr by money, then he should give them the money, and not openly disobey those in authority. But, […]
Zakatul-Fitr from the words of Sheikh Ibn `Uthaymeen.
Zakatul-Fitr is one Sa` (2 kilos, 40 gms) of food that a man offers at the end of Ramadan. Its reason is showing gratitude to Allah for His Favors by completing the month of Ramadan. When the sun of the last day sets, it becomes obligatory to pay it. Zakatul-Fitr is an obligatory duty which […]
The Meanings Of The Holy QURAAN , The Cow -Al Baqarah 101 – 199
[2.101] And now that a Messenger has come to them from Allah confirming what was with them, some of those to whom the Book was given reject the Book of Allah behind their backs, as though they knew nothing [2.102] and follow what the devils recited over the Kingdom of Solomon. Solomon did not disbelieve, it is […]
Only for Allah
There was a pious man among the Banu Israel who always remained busy in the worship of Allah. A group of people came to him and told him that a tribe living nearby worshipped a tree. The news upset him, and with an axe on his shoulder he went to cut down that tree. On […]
Make the Right Effort
This is the story of the giant ship engine that failed. The ship’s owners tried one expert after another, but none of them could figure but how to fix the engine. Then they brought in an old man who had been fixing ships since he was a youngster. He carried a large bag of tools […]
Prophet-King or Slave Messenger.
The Prophet sallallahu ‘alayhi wa sallam chose the station of al-‘ubudiyyah (slavery and servitude) over and above the station of kingship. Once – on the day of the conquest of Makkah – a man stood-up (out of reverence) for the Prophet sallallahu ‘alayhi wa sallam, who, being shocked, said to him: “Do not trouble yourself! […]
The Meanings Of The Holy QURAAN , The Cow -Al Baqarah 61-100
[2.61] ‘Moses, ‘ you said, ‘we will no longer be patient with one type of food. Call on your Lord to bring forth for us some of the produce of the earth, green herbs and cucumbers, corn, lentils and onions. ‘ ‘What! ‘ he answered, ‘Would you exchange that which is lesser for what is […]