If an eclipse is a natural phenomenon, then why should we feel scared and pray?
Question It is now known that eclipse is nothing but a normal process that occurs after a regular interval (that can be known) of the moon coming between the sun & the earth. Then why was it that Holy Prophet(pbuh) used to pray at that time, though it didn’t cause any danger!? Praise be to […]
The Ruling On Family Planning And Temporarily Using Contraceptives To Space Children In Order To Give Them a Proper Upbringing.
I got married recently, and I previously asked you about my wish to have only two children, for example. One month ago my wife had her first baby by caesarean. She developed gestational diabetes during pregnancy, which had a great impact on her food and diet, and she needed to take insulin daily for three […]
Rights and duties of the mother’s husband and the stepdaughter.
Praise be to Allah The stepdaughter is the daughter of a wife from someone other than her current husband; she is permanently forbidden in marriage to the man if he has consummated his marriage with her mother. This means that she has become one of his mahrams. It says in Fataawa al-Lajnah ad-Daa’imah (17/367): If […]
The Completed And Perfected Religion .
Allah the almighty, sent the last prophet Mohammad ( pbuh ) to rescue and guide the humanity to the right path. In addition, Allah the almighty revealed the guided book to be the last book to guide humanbeings to their creator who deserves to be worshipped. By sending the prophet Mohammad ( pbuh ) and […]